Employers, building owners, and home owners are greatly concerned with mold exposure and damage. There are currently no specific OSHA Standards or Directives for molds and fungi. However, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) hazards are addressed in specific standards for general and construction industries. Section 5(a)(1) of the OSHA Act, often referred to as the General Duty Clause, requires employers to “furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees”. OSHA Final Rules 63:1152-1300, (1998, January 8) justified the use of respirators to prevent the inhalation of harmful airborne contaminants that are alive or were released from a living organism. Respirators protect against bacterial infections resulting from inhalation of bacteria and their products that cause a range of diseases. We follow these guidelines carefully in all of our mold remediation work.
Eagle Environmental® assists clients in determining if they have potential risk of mold or fungi spores exposure, selecting the most cost effective method of properly managing the remediation of mold, and performing the actual remediation work. Remediation work can consist of removal, repair, encapsulation and enclosure.
Eagle Environmental can perform inspections for mold risk. Following our inspection, the building owner can decide to:
We often recommend an independent consultant to assess all remediation needs and then to recommend a course of remediation to the customer. If the building owner decides to proceed with remediation, we will design a mold remediation plan and monitoring and project management. Following remediation we will conduct an inspection to ensure that the mold has been properly and thoroughly removed.
Eagle Environmental uses the following sampling techniques:
Eagle Environmentalsm understands the importance of safety and is committed to safety. Our commitment to safety has resulted in a long list of satisfied customers who have benefited from our hard and safe work. We realize that not only are our employees’ safety and our reputation at risk, but also the safety of our customers, their families, and their friends. When removing hazardous materials from a business, school, church, or home, we adhere to rigid quality control guidelines. Complete uncompromising compliance to these guidelines insures the completion of a safe job with unblemished quality control.
Our commitment to safety has translated into continual business growth year after year. In our effort to maintain our professionalism and adherence to safe practices, we spend the necessary resources for safety training and for the best tools and equipment. We are constantly improving and adding safety programs, which are designed to engage our employees in the quest for safety.